Can A Jeweler Tell The Difference Between Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

Greetings to our radiant community of jewelry aficionados and curious readers alike! At BVW Jewelers, we pride ourselves on creating bespoke pieces that are not only beautiful but also valuable. In the dazzling world of diamonds, the age-old debate continues to glitter: can one tell the difference between lab-grown diamonds and their natural counterparts? And beyond just appearance, there's an element that many overlook: value.

The Value Proposition: Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

Before we dive into the intricate details of identifying these precious stones, it’s crucial to touch upon a pivotal difference that affects both your wallet and your jewelry's future worth. Lab-grown diamonds, while undeniably beautiful and near-identical to natural diamonds in terms of appearance and chemical composition, are witnessing a consistent decline in price. Month after month, the value of a lab-grown diamond continues to drop. So, if you're considering investing in one today, the hard truth is that its market price might be significantly lower in just a few months. On the other hand, natural diamonds, with their rich history formed over billions of years beneath the Earth’s crust, tend to retain their value. In many cases, their worth even appreciates over time. It's not just about the sparkle; it's about securing an investment. With natural diamonds, you're not only buying a gem but also ensuring a legacy that holds or even grows in value.

The Difference Between Natural Diamonds & Lab Grown Diamonds

When you walk into our inclusive space, brimming with creations both custom-designed and exquisite, each gem speaks of quality. Both lab-grown and natural diamonds share uncanny resemblances, from their physical properties to their undeniable sparkle. But yes, differences do exist!
  • Growth Patterns: Much like the lines on our palms, every diamond has a unique growth structure. Lab-grown diamonds might exhibit different patterns due to the controlled environment in which they’re nurtured.
  • Inclusions & Characteristics: Every diamond, whether born in nature or a lab, has its unique characteristics. The types of inclusions, those tiny tell-tale signs, vary between the two.

Can a Jeweler Tell The Difference?

The answer is, yes, an experienced jeweler can distinguish between lab-grown and natural diamonds, but it often requires specialized equipment and knowledge.
  • Visual Inspection Under Magnification: While lab-grown diamonds are virtually identical to natural diamonds in terms of their chemical composition and physical appearance, there can be differences in their growth structures and inclusions. Under a microscope or a jeweler's loupe, a trained eye might spot distinctive growth patterns or inclusions that are more typical of lab-grown diamonds.
  • Growth Patterns: Lab-grown diamonds, depending on the method of production (CVD or HPHT), can exhibit unique growth patterns that might not be found in natural diamonds.
  • Type and Location of Inclusions: Natural diamonds often have inclusions that resulted from the intense heat and pressure they were subjected to over millions of years deep in the Earth's mantle. These can differ from the types of inclusions found in lab-grown diamonds, which result from the controlled environment of their creation.
  • Advanced Equipment: Some lab-grown diamonds are so well-made that they can easily pass a visual inspection. In such cases, jewelers use advanced devices like the DiamondView machine. This tool uses ultraviolet light to visualize the growth structures of diamonds. Natural and lab-grown diamonds often fluoresce differently, and their growth structures can be distinct enough to differentiate between them.
  • Certification and Reports: Reputable jewelers and gemologists often rely on certifications from recognized gemological institutions. These institutions use advanced equipment and trained professionals to classify and certify diamonds. If a diamond is lab-grown, the certification will state it.
  • Challenges in Identification: It's worth noting that as technology progresses, the differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds become more subtle, challenging jewelers to continuously update their knowledge and equipment.


Whether you’re passionate about natural diamonds or are curious about the eco-friendly allure of lab-grown gems, BVW Jewelers is here to illuminate your path. Experience the extraordinary, discover our collections, and let's craft a tale of timeless beauty together. For more insights, adventures, and stories, explore our blog. Feel like diving deeper into the world of custom creations? Join our inclusive community and let’s bring your dream piece to life! Stay connected with our vibrant community on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.