Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds

lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds

Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds: Making an Informed Choice

Welcome to BVW Jewelers' comprehensive guide on lab grown vs natural diamonds. Understanding the differences between these two types of diamonds can significantly impact your purchasing decision. Not only do we aim to educate you on the key distinctions, but we also strive to help you choose the perfect diamond that aligns with your values and preferences. Therefore, let's delve into the fascinating world of diamonds and explore the factors that set lab grown and natural diamonds apart.

Understanding the Origins when looking at Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds

Natural Diamonds

Firstly, natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under extreme heat and pressure over billions of years. They are brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions, making each natural diamond a rare and unique treasure. Consequently, their natural origin contributes to their allure and value.

Lab Grown Diamonds

In contrast, lab grown diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments using advanced technological processes that replicate the natural conditions under which diamonds form. Moreover, these diamonds possess the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. As a result, they are real diamonds in every sense.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Both lab grown and natural diamonds are composed of pure carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure. Therefore, they share identical hardness, brilliance, and fire. Even gemologists require specialized equipment to distinguish between the two. However, lab grown diamonds may have fewer impurities due to the controlled conditions of their creation.

Appearance and Quality

When it comes to appearance, lab grown and natural diamonds are virtually indistinguishable. Both types are graded using the same criteria known as the 4 Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Because lab grown diamonds can be produced with fewer inclusions, they often exhibit higher clarity at a more accessible price point.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

One significant factor to consider is the ethical and environmental impact. Lab grown diamonds are generally considered more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Since they do not involve mining, they reduce habitat destruction and carbon emissions associated with traditional mining practices. Therefore, for environmentally conscious consumers, lab grown diamonds offer an appealing alternative.

On the other hand, the natural diamond industry has made strides in implementing ethical mining practices. Certifications like the Kimberley Process aim to eliminate conflict diamonds from the market. Nevertheless, some concerns about environmental impact and labor conditions persist.

Price and Value

Price is another critical distinction between lab grown vs natural diamonds. Lab grown diamonds typically cost 30-40% less than natural diamonds of comparable quality. Consequently, you can obtain a larger or higher quality lab grown diamond within the same budget. However, natural diamonds tend to hold their value better over time due to their rarity.

Resale Value

Regarding resale value, natural diamonds generally have higher demand in the secondary market. Lab grown diamonds may depreciate more rapidly, as technological advancements could lower their production costs further. Therefore, if long-term value retention is essential to you, this is an important consideration.

Popularity and Trends

Lab grown diamonds are gaining popularity, especially among millennials and Gen Z consumers who prioritize sustainability and ethical sourcing. Additionally, advancements in technology have improved the quality and availability of lab grown diamonds, making them a mainstream option. Natural diamonds, however, continue to symbolize tradition and are often preferred for their natural origin.

Making Your Choice at BVW Jewelers

At BVW Jewelers, we offer an exquisite selection of both lab grown and natural diamonds. Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the decision-making process picking Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds. Whether you value the timeless allure of natural diamonds or the ethical advantages of lab grown diamonds, we can help you find the perfect stone that reflects your values and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are lab grown diamonds real diamonds?

Yes, lab grown diamonds are real diamonds with the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds.

Can you tell the difference between lab grown vs natural diamonds?

To the naked eye, and even under magnification, lab grown and natural diamonds appear identical. Specialized equipment is required to distinguish between them.

Lab Grown vs Natural Diamonds, Which is better for the environment?

Lab grown diamonds are generally considered more environmentally friendly due to the absence of mining activities, which can have significant ecological impacts.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the choice between lab grown vs natural diamonds depends on your personal values, budget, and preferences. Both options offer stunning beauty and durability. At BVW Jewelers, we are committed to providing you with exceptional quality and service, regardless of your choice. Visit us today to explore our collections and let us assist you in making an informed decision when choosing lab grown vs natural diamonds.

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